GRIEP in New York State
A family with their origin in Holstein, Germany

  Marx Griep, his wife and their five children lived in Großenaspe, a village in Schleswig-Holstein, the northernmost state of Germany

Around 1882 they migrated to America. They settled in Syracuse in upstate New York, where they became the ancestors of an American Griep family.



  Hinrich Griep (1729-1804)

Hinrich Griep was born about 1729 in Wittorf in Holstein. He married to Margaretha Heeschen and they had three children: Hinrich, Anna and Claus Griep. His wife died in 1775.
On April 12, 1776, Hinrich remarried in Großenaspe to Abel Eggen. They had four more children: Marx, Margaretha, Hans and Johan Griep. Hinrich died on October 13, 1804, at Großenaspe.

His third son Johan Griep was born on November 19, 1793, at Großenaspe. On February 15, 1819, he married Elsabe Holtorp. Their son Marx Griep was the one that went to America. Johan died on March 12, 1862.




Marx Griep (1830-1899)

Marx Griep was born on May 14, 1830, in Großenaspe, Holstein, Germany.
On December 7, 1857, he married in Neumünster to Anna Marie Dorothy Stamerjohan. They had in Großenaspe five children, the last one in 1880.
Not much later they
migrated to the USA and settled in Syracuse, New York State. Marx Griep died on April 12, 1899, and his wife on December 3, 1906, both in Syracuse. Their children were:

  • Katherine Griep was born on September 28, 1857, in Großenaspe, Holstein, Germany. About 1885 she married William J.E. Floring, born in 1858 in Alsace Lorraine. Living in Syracuse, they had five children: Henry (1885-1887), William M. (1887-1954), Frank H. (1890-1955), Emiel James (1895-1968) and Katherine (1897-1966).

  • Abel Johanna Caroline Griep was born on December 24, 1859, in Neumünster, Germany. She married in Germany to Niels Peter Thomsen, born in 1853 in Denmark. They had seven children: Bertha (1880-1933; born in Berlin, Germany), Christina Maria Juliana (1882-1884), Henry William (1884-1947; born in Syracuse), Peter Charles (1887-1938), Thomas (1890-1890), Johanna C. (1892-1955) and George A. (1895-1897).
    After the death of her first husband in 1897 she remarried to Joseph Frank Czarkowski, who died in 1916 in Syracuse. She died herself on October 1929 in Solvay, New York State.

  • Henry H.C. Griep was born on August 25, 1862, in Germany. On March 25, 1884, he married Amelia Elizabeth Dierlam in Syracuse. She was born in 1863 in Syracuse as a daughter of William Dierlam and Katherina Wanner. They hed three children: Laura Emily Griep (1885), Herman George C. Griep (1887) and Henry Johan Griep (1890). Shortly after giving birth to him, both mother and child died.
    After his second marriage with Selma Pabst, born in Friedersdorf in Germany, the family lived in Erie, Pennsylvania. They had three more children: Selma Griep (1896), Rudolph J. Griep (1899) and Lester Griep. His wife died September 17, 1928, in Syracuse and Henry on June 22, 1934.

  • August C.D. Griep was born on March 3, 1868, in Germany. He and his wife Amelia had, in Syracuse, five children: William Griep (January 31, 1895), Elma C. Griep (1897), a third child in 1898 that died at birth, Louise A. Griep (1899) and in 1900 a fifth child that also died on the day it was born. August died on March 1, 1913, in Syracuse.

  • William Henry Francis Griep was born June 14, 1880, in Germany. In Syracuse he married Emma G. Marquart and they had one child: William H. Griep (1906). His wife died on June 4, 1942, and William on January 23, 1960, both in Syracuse.


The information on this page is provided by Leopold E. Hepfner from Readfield, Maine (a grandson of Henry H.C. Griep) and John Harding from Sugar Land, Texas, USA.

Start  -- Griep from Germany -- Gripp from Holstein -- Griep in the USA --  Griep as immigrant

Last update of this page ( on November 18, 2006,
by ©
Jan Griep, Katwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands. Further updating has been terminated.